Gwalchwyfyn y Taglys
Cofnod 1
1 /9/1917 Sale, Caer
1 /9/1917 Sale, Caer
Lledred a Hydred: 53.419857 -2.3249715
Lledred a Hydred: 53.419857 -2.3249715
Sylwebydd: Dim gwybodaeth Cymuned Llên Natur (FB) Arbenigwr: TAC (
Sylwebydd: Dim gwybodaeth Cymuned Llên Natur (FB) Arbenigwr: TAC (
Tystiolaeth: Another and rarer insect which is about is the big convolvulus hawk moth. I hear of its occurrence recently at Sale, and yesterday the corpse of one in a toffee-box reached me by post. The sender gave neither his name nor any particulars of locality; would he kindly let me have them? This moth is exceedingly irregular in its appearance, and is undoubtedly an immigrant, so that all records are of interest. TC
Tystiolaeth: Another and rarer insect which is about is the big convolvulus hawk moth. I hear of its occurrence recently at Sale, and yesterday the corpse of one in a toffee-box reached me by post. The sender gave neither his name nor any particulars of locality; would he kindly let me have them? This moth is exceedingly irregular in its appearance, and is undoubtedly an immigrant, so that all records are of interest. TC
Dim Llun
Dim Llun