Gwalchwyfyn y Taglys
Cofnod 2
2 /9/1917 Prestwich
2 /9/1917 Prestwich
Lledred a Hydred: 53.5333 -2.2833
Lledred a Hydred: 53.5333 -2.2833
Sylwebydd: Thomas Coward Wartime Country Diaries, ed. Martin Wainwright, Guardian Books 2007 Tywyddiadur
Sylwebydd: Thomas Coward Wartime Country Diaries, ed. Martin Wainwright, Guardian Books 2007 Tywyddiadur
Arbenigwr: Thomas Coward
Arbenigwr: Thomas Coward
Tystiolaeth: Another convolvulus hawk moth has been captured locally. A correspondent writes that he caught one hovering over his nicotiana flowers at Prestwich a few days ago. This rare moth has previously been seen over these sweet smelling white flowers; it loves to poise above them on whirring wings and push it’s long tongue down the tube. This is a favourite method of sipping with the hawk moths; one of the smallest of them is called the hummingbird, for it hovers just like this tiny bird above the blossoms...… (Thomas Coward)
Tystiolaeth: Another convolvulus hawk moth has been captured locally. A correspondent writes that he caught one hovering over his nicotiana flowers at Prestwich a few days ago. This rare moth has previously been seen over these sweet smelling white flowers; it loves to poise above them on whirring wings and push it’s long tongue down the tube. This is a favourite method of sipping with the hawk moths; one of the smallest of them is called the hummingbird, for it hovers just like this tiny bird above the blossoms...… (Thomas Coward)
Dim Llun
Dim Llun